How do you know if you're carrying unresolved trauma?

How do you know if you're carrying unresolved trauma?
Sometimes it is difficult to know if there has been trauma from our past that we are still carrying. Many of us have experienced some kind of trauma in our lives, and it can be tough to tell what is hurting us and what isn't. This post will explore three ways to help you figure out if you need help releasing past wounds. If you find that your memories are causing you pain, don't hesitate to reach out for help.

First, are you walking around with self-blame, guilt, and sadness a good portion of your day, and you just don't know why?  Stuffed emotions can show up as harsh thoughts toward ourselves and others that can keep us from enjoying daily life.
Is there a thought that regularly pops into your head that you are not as good as others or that you don't deserve good things?  You might have stuffed hurts from your past that made you feel less than others.

Next, are you sick a lot? Harsh memories and forgotten but undealt with trauma, can cause inflammation.  It might show up as stomach problems, pain, or muscle aches. Any chronic health issues may have an emotional component that should be explored.

Do you feel the need to escape?  Do you want to escape conflict, or your thoughts, or even day to day life? This might show up as food addictions, or the constant need to be on social media or watching TV, or wanting to sleep constantly. This usually means there is something hurting you that you are trying to not think about.

Even when you have no idea what the trauma could be, if you are seeing any of these symptoms of stuffed trauma, we can get to the root of it and find out where it is coming from.
Reach out to me if you want help finding the root.
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Emotions connected to your Liver Part 2

Emotions connected to your Liver Part 2
As I pursued intimacy with my Father, as I dug into His Word about the Liver, He began to open my eyes to places where I had allowed deep grief and sadness to overwhelm my trust.

I had not trusted Him that I was truly loved, I hadn’t trusted Him that He was in charge.  I lost hope about the things I had prayed for as long as I could remember.  I thought that since I’d prayed for so long and didn’t see my answer yet, that He didn’t really care about those things.
The Bible says that hope deferred makes the heart sick, and 2 Cor, 7:10 says that Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.

We know that grief, fear, and worry contribute to cancer and disease.  
A lack of trust in our Great, Creator God brings continual, unresolved grief. 
When we think He has not heard our prayers, we lose hope.

The hopelessness almost became idolatry, I couldn’t have joy if I didn’t see the answer to the  prayer.

One of the most difficult things about being a parent is seeing children seemingly walk away from God. Those of you that this has happened to will likely agree with me.
That is where my most personal and deepest grief has been, and I allowed my grief to make me sick. 

It showed up in my liver and stomach and caused health issues. 
This is where the lack of trust took me. I wasn't trusting that God loves my children even more than I do, and that He will do the work to bring them back. I wasn't resting on His promises.

Here is just one of the many verses where sickness and turmoil in the Liver and stomach are spoken about together as being a sign of grief and heaviness: Lamentations 2:11 My eyes do fail with tears, my bowels are troubled, my liver is poured upon the earth for the destruction of the daughter of my people, because the children and the sucklings swoon in the streets of the city. 

Some versions say "heart" instead of "Liver" but the Hebrew word is "kawbade" (liver, heaviness, grief, etc.) instead of the word for heart, which is "lev". 
That is why it is really helpful to study it in Hebrew if you can. 

So why is this important? So many verses talk about liver and grief together, most of them talk about grief over sin, or over children in sin, or over the punishment for disobedience. 

So what do we do about that? We study His promises, we repent where we need to, we forgive where we need to, and we stand on His Word. That is the answer to healing the liver and stomach. Learning to honor, learning to trust, learning to forgive, and making sure that you let God be God and realize that you are not.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light!

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Emotions connected to your Liver

Emotions connected to your Liver
My liver story, Part 1:

The last few times I had gone to my natural doc, he was able to tell that my liver was swollen and unhappy, but I just thought it was temporary inflammation, it didn’t really alarm me because I live a really healthy life. No toxins, always organic, I read every label, no artificial anything!
So each time I’d go, he’d work on the muscle points to ease the inflammation, I’d have a huge weeping spell that I had no idea where it came from, and then I thought I was all fine and dandy.

Until the time it wasn’t

At one of my appointments my natural doc could feel a lump on my liver. My always unflappable guy, who has never sent me to see anyone else, told me to get a scan as soon as possible.

I’m not a western med kind of girl, I do everything I can myself or through holistic practitioners, so I didn’t go right away. But I finally ended up getting an ultrasound, and he was right! There was a large lump on my liver.

Now for a toxin-free, organic eating, healthy living, emotional healing counselor, this was pretty shocking. We just always assume these things won’t come our way.

So I started all of the physical liver healing things. All of the foods, the oils, the supplements, the protocols, the gadgets, the enemas, the mats, etc.
But that stubborn lump didn’t budge.

So I started to look into the emotional baggage I was carrying. 

Did you notice above when I said that I would have a huge weeping spell after liver adjustments? What does that tell you? I was holding an emotional wound in my liver that I needed to get to the root of so I could be free.

The liver and stomach are so closely related that whatever emotion the stomach holds, the liver will also hold. You have 600 trillion gigabytes of memory in the DNA in your body. You can store trauma, wounds, emotions, and memories anywhere. But grief and sorrow like to get stored in the liver and stomach.

That’s why your stomach may hurt or you get indigestion when you are really upset about something.

Now if you are trying to stuff an emotion because it is too much to process, or because you think good people “shouldn’t” feel that way, or it isn’t safe to feel that, you will end up causing much more harm than if you had just dealt with the pain.

So I did some Anointed to Soar emotional healing sessions on myself to find the root cause of my liver damage. 
And when the Father showed me what it was, that was only the beginning of the healing journey…..

Part 2 coming soon
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Ear problems part 2

Ear problems part 2
Here is an interesting verse about ears:

Isaiah 22 is talking about people who were called to repentance but instead they rejoiced and celebrated.
So, the Lord of Hosts (YHWH of armies) gives a word to Isaiah. In English, Isaiah 22:14 just says, “it was revealed in my ears.” But the Hebrew meaning of the words together describe it as galah ozen, which literally means He made my ears naked by swishing away my hair to whisper in my ear.

I love this because it talks about the intimacy that our Creator wants with us when we are willing to draw near to Him; He is so close that He moves our hair away so we hear Him clearly as He whispers to us.

What this tells us about ear issues, is that you might want to look at your intimacy levels with Abba. Have you sought Him first and foremost. Is He your first thought when you need to be filled up? Or do you fill up with other things?

In this noisy world we live in, other things might get your first thoughts.
What do you seek at the end of the day when you're most stressed or tired? Do you think, I need to go pray, or do you think you need something else?

Ear problems are one sign we've given in to the noisiness of distractions.

In Scripture, the instruction for the slave was that, if he wanted to remain in the house of his master, his ear was pierced as a sign of life-long choice to hear and obey the voice of the master. (Exodus 21:6)
(slaves in Scripture were MUCH different than what we think of today, they were more like employees, but that is a topic for another day.)
When you see gold earrings used in Scripture it is a sign that you chose to obey the voice of the one who pierced you.
(In fact it is really interesting to note that different parts of our ears have nerves that get damaged when they’re pierced, which then effect our emotions and our hormones.)
The earrings were also used to make the golden calf, stating “we will obey this idol”.

That helps us understand these next verses.
Proverbs 25:12 “As an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.” (obedient ear shema ozen) is an intelligently listening, discerning, obedient person who pays close attention).

Are you a slave to the wrong voice? Have you been listening to the voice of a harsh task master like shame, unforgiveness, judgment, and rejection?
Or is God’s truth the voice that is constant in your ear?
Does the world seem to take too much of your attention?
Which voice seems the loudest to you?

Today (4/6/22) at 2:00 mountain we are doing a live zoom call to chat about what to do if you have ear issues.
You can join here:

Part 3 coming soon

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Do you have ear problems? Could it mean something deeper?

Do you have ear problems? Could it mean something deeper?
Part 1

Ear in Hebrew is the word "Ozen"

OZEN (Aleph, zayin, nun) 

 Aleph: the ox, first, strength, leader
 Zayin: the weapon, to cut off
 Final nun: the fish, activity or life

When Aleph comes as the first letter of a Hebrew word, the meaning of that word points us to our relationship to God or one of His characteristics. It's a sign to look deeper.

 Therefore: The ear is telling us that when our relationship with God is affected, it cuts off life (meaning our spiritual health and fullness with Him).
 The traditional understanding of ear is to advertise or to have an audience (to gain someone's ear).
 Ear problems tell us that the wrong thing, person, or idea has gained our ear in some area of our life. It doesn't mean that we are wrong in every area, or even that we don't have a close relationship with Him, but it could mean that one area of our life, belief system, or understanding needs tweaking.

 Another word translated into ear is "Azan," same letters but different vowels, so the meaning is just changed slightly.
 This one means someone who listens and perceives.
 The picture is someone who puts their hand behind their ear and leans forward to concentrate on hearing clearly.
 Azan is translated "give ear" sometimes and "hearken" at other times.
 Often it comes in the same sentence as the word "Shema" which those of us who keep Torah know means intelligently listening, discerning, paying close attention, and obeying.
 But sometimes Azan also is paired with havah which means to rush to do naughty things (so it would mean eagerly listening to instruction that makes you rush into mischief).
 The difference here then is, what are you eagerly listening to? It could be to SHEMA (hear and obey) or to havah (rush to mischief).
Rarely do you find believers who DESIRE to rush to do mischief, but...
 Sometimes we might hear wrong doctrine that leads us down a wrong path. That is why deep study of the Word is so important, and so is being accountable to others about what we're listening to, studying, watching, and learning.
 This would also apply to paying attention to TV Shows, movies, music, books, or people that are harsh for your heart and might compel you to think the wrong things, do the wrong things, and to stray from what you know is true.
 How are you in this area?
 Is there something that has captured your attention that you need to change?

Part 2 will explain specific verses that tell us about our ears and what may be going wrong with our hearing.

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