Shame is different than guilt.
Guilt is when you did something wrong and you haven’t repented yet. Maybe you have a hard time admitting when you do something wrong because you are afraid of punishment; or because you don’t deeply understand what forgiveness really looks like. Maybe you haven’t experienced the freedom that comes from letting go of something you did wrong.
But Shame…. Shame isn’t that you did something wrong. At its deep, deep core shame tells you that you ARE something wrong. That you are a failure, that you will never do anything right, that you make a mess wherever you turn. That no one could ever love you because you are a mistake.
Shame began in the garden when Adam and Eve discovered that they were naked. It wasn’t the sin of disobedience that made them run and hide from God. It was that they discovered they were naked…. “They were ashamed.”
Did you notice what shame did? It made them hide from God. Today it still does the same. When shame creeps in on its little, slimy tiptoes and begins to dwell in your heart, it makes you run away from God. It never brings you closer to Him, never helps you repent, never helps you know His love and forgiveness.
The same is true for children. If we make them feel ashamed for who they are, they will run from God, and they will run from us. It’s His kindness that leads us to repentance, the Scripture tells us. When we have a heart of kindness and compassion even in the midst of someone else’s mistakes, they will be led closer to us and to the One who can help take it away.
So how do we get free from the slime monster of shame?
First, confess to a friend that you have been feeling shame, let them pray over your heart. Surround yourself with people who will build you up and speak Truth over you.
Choose to speak Scripture over your heart daily, speak life, and shut down the voice of shame whenever it pops up.
Believe that you are wanted and that you are here for a purpose.
If you have been trapped by slimy shame, you can set up a one on one emotional release and spiritual healing session (called “Anointed to Soar) with me so we can get to the root of shame and break the chains it has held over you!
Click on THIS PAGE and make an appointment!
If you are in the process of overcoming heavy emotions (or would like to be!) I have a Facebook group HERE that you can join. We walk through healing together.
Guilt is when you did something wrong and you haven’t repented yet. Maybe you have a hard time admitting when you do something wrong because you are afraid of punishment; or because you don’t deeply understand what forgiveness really looks like. Maybe you haven’t experienced the freedom that comes from letting go of something you did wrong.
But Shame…. Shame isn’t that you did something wrong. At its deep, deep core shame tells you that you ARE something wrong. That you are a failure, that you will never do anything right, that you make a mess wherever you turn. That no one could ever love you because you are a mistake.
Shame began in the garden when Adam and Eve discovered that they were naked. It wasn’t the sin of disobedience that made them run and hide from God. It was that they discovered they were naked…. “They were ashamed.”
Did you notice what shame did? It made them hide from God. Today it still does the same. When shame creeps in on its little, slimy tiptoes and begins to dwell in your heart, it makes you run away from God. It never brings you closer to Him, never helps you repent, never helps you know His love and forgiveness.
The same is true for children. If we make them feel ashamed for who they are, they will run from God, and they will run from us. It’s His kindness that leads us to repentance, the Scripture tells us. When we have a heart of kindness and compassion even in the midst of someone else’s mistakes, they will be led closer to us and to the One who can help take it away.
So how do we get free from the slime monster of shame?
First, confess to a friend that you have been feeling shame, let them pray over your heart. Surround yourself with people who will build you up and speak Truth over you.
Choose to speak Scripture over your heart daily, speak life, and shut down the voice of shame whenever it pops up.
Believe that you are wanted and that you are here for a purpose.
If you have been trapped by slimy shame, you can set up a one on one emotional release and spiritual healing session (called “Anointed to Soar) with me so we can get to the root of shame and break the chains it has held over you!
Click on THIS PAGE and make an appointment!
If you are in the process of overcoming heavy emotions (or would like to be!) I have a Facebook group HERE that you can join. We walk through healing together.