Before we were believers there was a battle in the heavenlies over our Salvation.
But once that salvation occurred, the battle shifted to a different ground.
Now the fight is over TRUTH! Will we believe God, read His Word, trust what He says, and recognize our purpose?
If there has been any damage or wounding in your life, (and who has not been wounded or damaged somehow?) then at this point you may get in a battle over whether you are worthy to be happy, free, or even at peace!
After salvation the battle shifts toward rooting out the damage that we have done, or that has been done to us, so that peace and calm can now be restored. We may have heard the lie that life is all about drudgery and just getting by, or even that we are supposed to suffer daily! We might not understand that life is about freedom, beauty, a happy family, abundance, and joy! Yeshua said that He came to heal the broken hearted, bind up their wounds, and to set the captives FREE! That doesn’t sound like drudgery to me!
Even believers who have walked with God for 30 or 40 years seem to think they were meant to be on this earth to suffer. Yes, there may be moments of suffering, because we were told that in this world, we would have tribulation. But we were also told by Yeshua that He came so that we could have life and have it ABUNDANTLY!
Often we ourselves are the ones fighting with the truth. We believe we should be stuck, and we should suffer because we have committed too much damage to enjoy life. We might feel we have been wounded too much to ever be happy.
But what was the point of Yeshua coming as the suffering servant if you are the one who needs to hold the suffering? He said that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light! If you believe you must live a miserable life, then you don’t really know His heart!
So, what is keeping you stuck in the lie that life must be miserable? Is it because it is all you’ve ever known and it is safer than the unknown? Or could it be that you don’t know how to grab ahold of that abundant life you were promised?
Maybe you are scared to lay down those old memories and wounds because you are comfortable with them.
If you are finally ready to lay down those old wounds, memories, and drudgery, I’m here ready and willing to chat and walk you through it so you can walk in freedom, joy and abundance instead of suffering! Click HERE to make an appointment for a free chat! Or just check out my services HERE
But once that salvation occurred, the battle shifted to a different ground.
Now the fight is over TRUTH! Will we believe God, read His Word, trust what He says, and recognize our purpose?
If there has been any damage or wounding in your life, (and who has not been wounded or damaged somehow?) then at this point you may get in a battle over whether you are worthy to be happy, free, or even at peace!
After salvation the battle shifts toward rooting out the damage that we have done, or that has been done to us, so that peace and calm can now be restored. We may have heard the lie that life is all about drudgery and just getting by, or even that we are supposed to suffer daily! We might not understand that life is about freedom, beauty, a happy family, abundance, and joy! Yeshua said that He came to heal the broken hearted, bind up their wounds, and to set the captives FREE! That doesn’t sound like drudgery to me!
Even believers who have walked with God for 30 or 40 years seem to think they were meant to be on this earth to suffer. Yes, there may be moments of suffering, because we were told that in this world, we would have tribulation. But we were also told by Yeshua that He came so that we could have life and have it ABUNDANTLY!
Often we ourselves are the ones fighting with the truth. We believe we should be stuck, and we should suffer because we have committed too much damage to enjoy life. We might feel we have been wounded too much to ever be happy.
But what was the point of Yeshua coming as the suffering servant if you are the one who needs to hold the suffering? He said that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light! If you believe you must live a miserable life, then you don’t really know His heart!
So, what is keeping you stuck in the lie that life must be miserable? Is it because it is all you’ve ever known and it is safer than the unknown? Or could it be that you don’t know how to grab ahold of that abundant life you were promised?
Maybe you are scared to lay down those old memories and wounds because you are comfortable with them.
If you are finally ready to lay down those old wounds, memories, and drudgery, I’m here ready and willing to chat and walk you through it so you can walk in freedom, joy and abundance instead of suffering! Click HERE to make an appointment for a free chat! Or just check out my services HERE