I'm excessively frugal!! I always have been.
It started when Gary and I were first married and his boss "forgot" to pay him for about 2 years (or the costumers weren't paying, or some other excuse of the day). Gary loved his job as a fisheries biologist, but he couldn't support a wife and children on hardly any income.
But during this time I became REALLY good at staying within a budget, I was crazy good at keeping our grocery bill extremely low.
The problem was, I was buying trashy food and trashy household products in an effort to spend as little as possible.
The consequence of this was, every time I'd save on groceries, I was spending more on doctors or counselors (my hormones and adrenals were shot from the artificial ingredients I was forcing on my body while thinking I was saving money). I had severe depression, was having miscarriages, was angry all of the time, and spent the greater part of every day hiding from the world.
I didn't know toxic food and products were the culprits, so this lasted for YEARS! All the while I thought I was so wise at saving money.
I finally put 2 and 2 together and started searching for natural things. Again the frugal side of me came into play and I tried to buy cheap "natural" products.... But I saw no change in my health.
Enter Young Living. I was going to fix my health no matter the cost, I was going to heal from depression and feel better. No. Matter. What!
I thought at first that the cost was high, but if you could talk to my husband about what I've saved over the years, you'd be astounded.
I've saved on:
Doctor visits
Missed days
Missed relationships
No more worry, sadness, and fear
And I'm still being frugal, still saving money, still being wise financially. It just looks different. It looks better!!